Gets a list of bytes that represent the system identifiers that are used to generate the system id. Override this method to use your own system identifier instead of the default one that is provided by the SecureLicense class. If you override this method, there should at least be one item in they byte array list that is returned. If the byte array list contains more than eight items, all the items after the eighth item will be ignored. The byte array values that are returned must be the same for the same machine/system so that the license validation will return the same result upon subsequent license validation.

Namespace: SimpleMode.SecureLicenseManager
Assembly: SimpleMode.SecureLicenseManager (in SimpleMode.SecureLicenseManager.dll) Version: 1.5.5120.0 (1.5.5120.0)


protected virtual List<byte[]> GetSystemIdentifierParts()
Visual Basic
Protected Overridable Function GetSystemIdentifierParts As List(Of Byte())
Visual C++
virtual List<array<unsigned char>^>^ GetSystemIdentifierParts()

Return Value

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:SimpleMode.SecureLicenseManager.SecureLicense.GetSystemIdentifierParts"]

See Also