The SecureLicense type exposes the following members.


Public propertyActivationDate
The date on which the current license is activated.
Public propertyCreatedDate
The date on which the current license was created.
Public propertyCustomData
The custom data that is embedded in the current license.
Public propertyExpiryDate
The exact date on which the license will expire.
Public propertyExpiryDays
The number of days the license will expire after first use.
Public propertyHasExpiryDateLimit
True if the current license has exact expiry date specified.
Public propertyHasExpiryDaysLimit
True if the current license has number of expiry days specified.
Public propertyHasExpiryLimit
True if any expiry limit (exact date or number of days) specified.
Public propertyIsolatedStoragePath
The isolated storage path that will be used for the isolated storage where the license data will be stored or loaded from.
Public propertyIsolatedStorageScope
The isolated storage scope that will be used for the isolated storage where the license data will be stored or loaded from.
Public propertyIsValid
Returns true if the currently loaded license is valid.
Public propertyLicenseFilePath
The file path that will be used to load and store license data.
Public propertyLicenseKeyType
The current license type ("Unlock Key" or "Activation Key").
Public propertyLicenseServiceChecks
The type of license check that will be performed when loading a license.
Public propertyLicenseServiceErrorCode
Gets the license service error code for the recent response from the license service.
Public propertyLicenseServiceErrorMessage
Gets the license service error message for the recent response from the license service.
Public propertyLicenseServiceUrl
If an activation license key is being activated, this URL will be used as the end point of the license service URL that is used when activating, checking and deactivating license keys.
Public propertyRegistryKey
The registry key name that will be used to load and store license data.
Public propertyRegistryValueName
The registry value name that will be used to load and store license data.
Public propertyRemainingDaysBeforeExpiry
The number of days before the current license expires.
Public propertyStatus
Returns the current license validation status
Public propertyTotalRemainingDaysBeforeExpiry
The number of days before the current license expires expressed in whole and fractional days.
Public propertyValidationKey
Gets or sets the validation (public) key that will be used to check and validate license keys.

See Also