Specifies the license encoding format. LicenseEncodingFormat affects the length and the type of characters that will be included in the generated license key.

Namespace: SimpleMode.SecureLicenseManager
Assembly: SimpleMode.SecureLicenseManager (in SimpleMode.SecureLicenseManager.dll) Version: 1.5.5120.0 (1.5.5120.0)


public enum LicenseEncodingFormat
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration LicenseEncodingFormat
Visual C++
public enum class LicenseEncodingFormat


Member nameValueDescription
Unknown-1 No / unknown or invalid license format.
Base160 Hex based license encoding format. Generated license key characters will include numbers and letters A to F.
Base321 license encoding format that uses base 32 encoding. Generated license key characters will include numbers 2 to 9 and letters from A to Z with the exception of I and O.
Base622 license encoding format that uses base 62 encoding. Generated license key characters will include numbers, upper case letters A to Z and lower case letters a to z.
Base643 license encoding format that uses base 64 encoding. Generated license key characters will include numbers, upper case letters A to Z, the symbols '+', '/' and '=' that is used for trailing padding.

See Also