The LicenseManager type exposes the following members.


Protected propertyAdapter
Gets the browser-specific adapter for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyApplication
Gets the HttpApplicationState object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyAppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets or sets the application-relative virtual directory of the Page or UserControl object that contains this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAppRelativeVirtualPath
Gets or sets the application-relative, virtual directory path to the file from which the control is parsed and compiled.
(Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected propertyAspCompatMode
Sets a value indicating whether the page can be executed on a single-threaded apartment (STA) thread.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyAsyncMode
Sets a value indicating whether the page is processed synchronously or asynchronously.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyAsyncTimeout
Gets or sets a value indicating the time-out interval used when processing asynchronous tasks.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyAutoHandlers Obsolete.
The AutoHandlers property has been deprecated in ASP.NET NET 2.0. It is used by generated classes and is not intended for use within your code.
(Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public propertyAutoPostBackControl
Gets or sets the control in the page that is used to perform postbacks.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyBindingContainer
Gets the control that contains this control's data binding.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBuffer
Sets a value indicating whether the page output is buffered.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyCache
Gets the Cache object associated with the application in which the page resides.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyChildControlsCreated
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control's child controls have been created.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClientID
Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyClientIDSeparator
Gets a character value representing the separator character used in the ClientID property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClientQueryString
Gets the query string portion of the requested URL.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyClientScript
Gets a ClientScriptManager object used to manage, register, and add script to the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyClientTarget
Gets or sets a value that allows you to override automatic detection of browser capabilities and to specify how a page is rendered for particular browser clients.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyCodePage
Sets the code page identifier for the current Page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyContentType
Sets the HTTP MIME type for the HttpResponse object associated with the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyContext
Gets the HttpContext object associated with the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyControls
Gets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCulture
Sets the culture ID for the Thread object associated with the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value indicating whether a control is being used on a design surface.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyEnableEventValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page validates postback and callback events.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyEnableTheming
Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether themes apply to the control that is derived from the TemplateControl class.
(Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public propertyEnableViewState
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page maintains its view state, and the view state of any server controls it contains, when the current page request ends.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyEnableViewStateMac
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ASP.NET should verify message authentication codes (MAC) in the page's view state when the page is posted back from the client.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyErrorPage
Gets or sets the error page to which the requesting browser is redirected in the event of an unhandled page exception.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control. This property is read-only.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyFileDependencies Obsolete.
Sets an array of files that the current HttpResponse object is dependent upon.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyForm
Gets the HTML form for the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyHasChildViewState
Gets a value indicating whether the current server control's child controls have any saved view-state settings.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHeader
Gets the document header for the page if the head element is defined with a runat=server in the page declaration.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyID
Gets or sets an identifier for a particular instance of the Page class.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyIdSeparator
Gets the character used to separate control identifiers when building a unique ID for a control on a page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyIsAsync
Gets a value indicating whether the page is processed asynchronously.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyIsCallback
Gets a value indicating whether the page request is the result of a call back.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyIsChildControlStateCleared
Gets a value indicating whether controls contained within this control have control state.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsCrossPagePostBack
Gets a value indicating whether the page is involved in a cross-page postback.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyIsPostBack
Gets a value that indicates whether the page is being rendered for the first time or is being loaded in response to a postback.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyIsPostBackEventControlRegistered
Gets a value that indicates whether the control in the page that performs postbacks has been registered.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyIsReusable
Gets a value indicating whether the Page object can be reused.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyIsTrackingViewState
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control is saving changes to its view state.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a value indicating whether page validation succeeded.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyIsViewStateEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether view state is enabled for this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyItems
Gets a list of objects stored in the page context.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyLCID
Sets the locale identifier for the Thread object associated with the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyLicenseKey
The Secure License Manager license key that will be used by the License Manager page.
Protected propertyLicenseRepository
Protected propertyLoadViewStateByID
Gets a value indicating whether the control participates in loading its view state by ID instead of index.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to return the user to the same position in the client browser after postback. This property replaces the obsolete SmartNavigation property.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyMaster
Gets the master page that determines the overall look of the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyMasterPageFile
Gets or sets the file name of the master page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyMaxPageStateFieldLength
Gets or sets the maximum length for the page's state field.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyNamingContainer
Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same ID property value.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyPage
Gets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyPageAdapter
Gets the adapter that renders the page for the specific requesting browser.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyPageStatePersister
Gets the PageStatePersister object associated with the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyParent
Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyPreviousPage
Gets the page that transferred control to the current page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyRequest
Gets the HttpRequest object for the requested page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyResponse
Gets the HttpResponse object associated with the Page object. This object allows you to send HTTP response data to a client and contains information about that response.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyResponseEncoding
Sets the encoding language for the current HttpResponse object.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyServer
Gets the Server object, which is an instance of the HttpServerUtility class.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertySession
Gets the current Session object provided by ASP.NET.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertySite
Gets information about the container that hosts the current control when rendered on a design surface.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySkinID
Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySmartNavigation Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether smart navigation is enabled. This property is deprecated.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyStyleSheetTheme
Gets or sets the name of the theme that is applied to the page early in the page life cycle.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertySupportAutoEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the TemplateControl control supports automatic events.
(Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public propertyTemplateControl
Gets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTheme
Gets or sets the name of the page theme.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the title for the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyTrace
Gets the TraceContext object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyTraceEnabled
Sets a value indicating whether tracing is enabled for the Page object.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyTraceModeValue
Sets the mode in which trace statements are displayed on the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyTransactionMode
Sets the level of transaction support for the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyUICulture
Sets the user interface (UI) ID for the Thread object associated with the page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyUniqueFilePathSuffix
Gets a unique suffix to append to the file path for caching browsers.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyUniqueID
Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyUser
Gets information about the user making the page request.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyValidators
Gets a collection of all validation controls contained on the requested page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyViewState
Gets a dictionary of state information that allows you to save and restore the view state of a server control across multiple requests for the same page.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyViewStateEncryptionMode
Gets or sets the encryption mode of the view state.
(Inherited from Page.)
Protected propertyViewStateIgnoresCase
Gets a value that indicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyViewStateUserKey
Assigns an identifier to an individual user in the view-state variable associated with the current page.
(Inherited from Page.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Page object is rendered.
(Inherited from Page.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIControlBuilderAccessor..::..ControlBuilder
For a description of this member, see ControlBuilder.
(Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIDataBindingsAccessor..::..DataBindings
For a description of this member, see DataBindings.
(Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIExpressionsAccessor..::..Expressions
For a description of this member, see Expressions.
(Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIDataBindingsAccessor..::..HasDataBindings
For a description of this member, see HasDataBindings.
(Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIExpressionsAccessor..::..HasExpressions
For a description of this member, see HasExpressions.
(Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIControlDesignerAccessor..::..UserData
For a description of this member, see UserData.
(Inherited from Control.)

See Also